What is Strategic Optimization?
You have run a successful business for years. COVID and the Great Resignation made it difficult to hire the number of people you once employed and the expectations of customers have only increased. You know what you have done for years that worked, but what if you could tap into your expertise and your team's experience to find the efficiencies in your processes to do what you need to do with the right number of resources. I can help your team find the right efficiencies to serve your customers with the right sized staff. Don't just keep trying to hire the same number of people you have for years, together we can figure out what is the right number for you.

How I Can Help You
Strategic Optimization can help you get back to doing what you need to do, with the resources that you have, or determine exactly how much staff you need. You don't have to rely on previous staffing levels to get you back to an optimum business performance. I can help assess the processes that your business uses and create a plan to streamline them as quickly as possible. For years, businesses have looked to Process Improvement and Lean Methodology to do more with less. Cost reduction and work force reduction goals went hand in hand. During my career in banking, I always had a performance improvement goal of 20% of productivity. This goal was designed to accommodate growth in volume and reduce costs.

A lot has changed in our world after The Great Resignation. Employees can go to another company or role at will, and they have a greater ability to make sure a company and role meet their personal career goals. Managing employee burnout is a common frustration for businesses today. I can help determine exactly how many staff members you need to meet the demand of your business. We can put a plan in place for future staffing for peak periods or lulls, and work on implementing a culture of continuous improvement to prevent an emergency in the future.

Creating a culture of Continuous Improvement is critical today for your business success. Each one of your employees a subject matter expert on how you can improve your processes. Don't waste money over and over for improvement analysis from outside sources. Let me work with your staff to implement regular Problem-Solving sessions and Daily Touch Points. These tools prepare staff to understand the work that is expected for the day, and where the gaps are. The Problem-Solving methodology trains your team how to identify problems, how to raise them appropriately, and how the team can develop and test solutions. When your team is actively problem solving it will improve productivity and engagement. They have an invested ownership in their processes and are more engaged. I can also work with your committee or board to create a successful strategic planning session or retreat. We will do some thoughtful planning about what your goals are and what you want to achieve at the session. I will design an agenda of activities to focus your discussions and at the end of the day, ensure your outcomes have been met. I will provide you with follow up documentation, and read-out material from the session.